split expenses simply
On this page you will find two examples of using the expenses splitting calculator.
Simple example of bills splitting
This example is simple as there is only one person to repay.Suppose a group of 4 friends (including 1 couple) who spent a weekend in the countryside.

Robert paid 200 for accommodation.
He is single, so there is one part.
Thomas, Maria paid 100 for meals.
They are a couple, so there are two parts.
Jennifer did not spend money.
She is single, so there is one part.
Results of group expenses splitting :
The total expense is 300.
There are a total of 4 parts.
The amount of a part is 75 (300/4).
The couple Thomas and Maria must repay 50 to Robert.
Jennifer must repay 75 to Robert.
Complex example of bills splitting
This example is more complex because there are two people to repay.Suppose a group of 5 friends (including 1 couple) spent a weekend in the countryside.

Robert paid 200 for accommodation.
He is single, so there is one part.
Thomas, Maria paid 100 for meals.
They are a couple, so there are two parts.
Jennifer did not spend money.
She is single, so there is one part.
James paid 150 for activities.
He is single, so there is one part.
Results of group expenses splitting :
The total expense is 450.
There are a total of 5 parts.
The amount of a part is 90 (450/5).
The couple Thomas and Maria must repay 80 to Robert.
Jennifer must repay 30 to Robert.
Jennifer must repay 60 to James.
NB: If there are several people to pay, the calculator offers one solution to properly distribute the repayments between participants who overpaid. Sometimes there are several possible distribution solutions, then you are free to choose another distribution solution.
Why use this site ?
Have you ever wondered How do I split expenses with friends in Excel ?
Still wondering why use this site rather than Excel or a dedicated application ?
So here are the arguments to convince you :
- It's simple to use, entering expenses can be very fast, and the calculation of the distribution is immediate. You get the distribution of payments in seconds.
- With the "Get a link" button, you can easily send the calculation results by email, text message, or WhatsApp, which will be available anywhere on the Internet. It is the ideal to justify the allocation of costs among the various participants.
- LetsPayTheBill.com is a totally free site, without any advertising.
- Full web : there is no application to install.
- Privacy : We do not store any information from your entry on our servers. No login, no cookie.
- PWA (Progressive Web App) : This site is also a PWA application. So you can install it on your Android "desktop" (home screen), and it then works as an application, usable even without internet connection. But it is less resource-intensive than an Android application, and it has no access to your personal data. So more efficient and more respectful of privacy.
When use the cost-sharing calculator
Here are some situations where this site might be useful for you...
You spend a weekend with a group of friends. Some have spent money, others do not. At the end of the weekend
you want a fair splitting. Just enter who paid what and www.letspaythebill.com
do the math for you.
Three families spend a week's vacation in a rental. One family has one child, the other has 3 children, and
the third has no children. To equitably split the costs, children are counted as half part.
Simply enter the number of shares of the families : 2.5 parts, 3.5 parts and 2 parts. The computer does the rest.
A group of colleagues invite one of their at restaurant. Those who wish to invite divide equally
the amount of the invoice. Simply enter the amount of the note and the number of people paying :
within 2 seconds the calculator gives you the amount of one share, ie the amount that everyone should pay.
In all cases, consider using the "Get a link" to keep the result of the distribution calculation.